Spring Break 2018


I hope everyone had a great Spring Break, because I know I did! For one, I quit my job. Well, one of them anyway. I feel so relieved to only be working one job now. Another thing, which was not so much fun, I got the Nexplanon out of my arm (ouch). I had it in for 3 years & it was time to come out. Do I recommend it? Well, I would never get it again. But that's a whole other topic. Now for the fun stuff! My son was with his grandparents for Spring Break, so Juan & I took a trip to San Antonio, TX. We stopped in Fredericksburg (which is where I was born, by the way). I love Fredericksburg. It's a cute little town, great for touring. Main Street is just full of shops & restaurants & people are walking up & down the sidewalks all day. We stopped at a few shops & bought some things. We also visited the National Museum of the Pacific War, but we did not stay for very long.
Japanese Garden of Peace at the
National Museum of the Pacific War.
Fredericksburg is a German town. It is known for 3 things: peaches, wineries, & breweries. We stopped at a winery where they had peach Bellini's! Nobody kill me when I say this, but I do not like wine. But I will drink peach Bellini's all day. We had two peach Bellini's each & a peach wine jello shot (but don't worry, we were still good to drive to San Antonio).
Then we stopped at Das Peach Haus, which sells wines (also does wine tastings), & tons of homemade jellies, jams, preserves, salsas, sauces, even some homemade honey & peach cider. I was hoping to find peaches, but sadly, they are not in season yet! After leaving Das Peach Haus, we headed to San Antonio, which was about another hour from Fredericksburg. When we got there, we checked into where we were staying (Juan booked a room through Airbnb) then we headed to the Riverwalk. I love the Riverwalk, I have been there a few times. It's a great sight-seeing place & a place to relax.
We went to the Rivercenter Mall for a little bit, then we headed to get something to eat. Almost all of the restaurants were on a wait for 45 minutes to an hour. Luckily, we caught Hard Rock as they were opening back up for the evening, & the wait was only 15 minutes (we would have sat down immediately, but we wanted to sit outside). We went to the bar & ordered some drinks, then we got our table.
When we were done, we headed above the Riverwalk & straight into downtown. We visited the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum, which was pretty interesting considering I loved reading those books when I was younger. We went through this tunnel that is IMPOSSIBLE to walk through without falling over. Literally. I dare you to try it. You cannot walk through that thing without falling over or holding on to the rails to get you through it. Why? Because it's like an optical illusion. It's lights make it look like it is spinning once you enter it, causing you to fall over. After that, we headed to the Louis Tussaud's Waxworks, which was pretty cool! A lot of the wax figures were very detailed. When we finished there, we decided to head back to the place we were staying & call it a night.
The tunnel that is impossible to walk through without falling over.
Tallest person who ever lived.
Jimmy Kimmel Live! wax figure.

Selfie with Marilyn Monroe!

The next morning, we stopped for coffee (tea for Juan) at Starbucks, then went to Dunkin Donuts for food. We went to the Natural Bridge Caverns for a tour (discounts for active duty military). It was really cool. I love the architecture of caves (although it's natural). We did a maze & visited some shops while we were there as well.

Then we went to Forever 21 because, you know, I HAD to buy some clothes. I don't think Juan enjoyed it very much. I mean, have you been inside Forever 21? It's HUGE. & I had to look through EVERYTHING (sorry babe). Although, I am quite proud of myself for not spending as much money as I did last year lol. Anyway, after that, we went to Lackland Air Force Base. That base is HUGE. Being a military girlfriend, I am like all about all things military. So touring a new base is exciting. Then we decided to go to Sea World. We got in for free because they do a thing called Waves of Honor where active duty military & up to 3 dependents get in for free. The first thing we did was go look at the animals. Discovery Point caught Juan's eye. It was where you can make a reservation to actually get to swim with dolphins, sea lions, or beluga whales. Super cool, right? Yeah, super expensive! But guess who did it anyway?! Yep, we did! But, we did it the next day because they didn't have any reservations for that day. The guy told us that reservations are usually booked a week in advance, but we got it a day in advance. We got reservations for a dolphin encounter. So after making that reservation, we went into Sea World, watched a couple of shows, & walked around & looked at animals & such. One of the shows we watched was dolphins & beluga whales. It was really cool. The other one we watched was Sea Lions. It was more of a comedy show (but I LOVE comedy). We sat in the splash zone & yes, we got wet lol (sorry babe, again). We were going to stay & watch one last show, but that would mean waiting for an hour & a half, so we went to eat instead because we were starving. We went to Chuy's, sat at the bar, had a few drinks, & ate fajitas. When we were finished, we called it a night.
Explains our relationship so well lol.

Dolphin show.
Sea Lion show.

Doing tricks
Walking on his hands!

Lunch time.
Saving a life!

The next morning, we got up early, got coffee & tea again, & headed for Sea World again. Our reservation was at 9:30 & we waited by the gate from about 9:00-9:20. When we got back there, we checked in & they explained to us how everything was going to work. We got wet suits & shoes, signed some papers, sat down as they told us some rules & divided us into groups, & headed down to the water. Let me be the first to tell you that we were COLD. Our trainer introduced us to Sadie, the bottle-nose dolphin. We got to touch her, feed her, kiss her, & take pictures with her. Then we joined another group & got to ride a dolphin. It really was an experience of a lifetime. Of course, we wanted to be able to remember this memory, so we had to buy pictures. Again, EXPENSIVE. But, it was worth or, or I would say ;) (I didn't buy the pictures hehe). We got a picture CD, a DVD, a poster, 6 photos, & a picture frame.

Feeding Sadie

I wasn't jealous....

I got to kiss her too!

At that time, we decided to head back to Abilene. We stopped in Fredericksburg again. We went by Das Peach Haus again & got some homemade jams. Then we ate lunch at Fredericksburg Brewing Company. I discovered there that dark beer was my preference of beer (I don't like beer either, but I had never tried dark beer before). I could not drink a whole one though. We stopped back by my parents house on the way back to Abilene & showed my mom the pictures & video of us swimming with the dolphins. Then we got back to Abilene & that concluded our fun for Spring Break because it was back to work. Anyone else have any fun Spring Break stories?


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