50 Fun Date Ideas

  1. Smoothie date
  2. Movie night
  3. Game night
  4. Ride bikes
  5. Go fishing
  6. Go on a hike
  7. Mini golf
  8. Trampoline park
  9. Bowling
  10. Coffee date
  11. Draw with sidewalk chalk
  12. Conoeing, kayaking, tubing, jet skiing
  13. Horseback riding
  14. Camping
  15. Road trip
  16. Watch the sunset
  17. Go to a local festival
  18. Go to a carnival
  19. Go to a winery
  20. Go to a drive-in movie
  21. Float the river
  22. Go for a picnic
  23. Visit an ice cream shop
  24. Do a DIY project together
  25. Bake something from scratch
  26. Go to happy hour
  27. Go to the beach
  28. Binge watch some Netflix
  29. Go window shopping
  30. Karaoke
  31. Go dancing
  32. Plan a dream vacation
  33. Go to a sport event
  34. Play laser tag
  35. Shop at an antique or thrift store
  36. Go to the gym together
  37. Take a painting class
  38. Go play bingo
  39. Explore a museum or art gallery
  40. Dance & kiss in the rain
  41. Have a water balloon/snowball fight
  42. Go skating
  43. Visit a zoo or aquarium
  44. Go stargazing
  45. Go ziplining
  46. Go for a long walk together
  47. Visit downtown in a city
  48. Get massages
  49. Have photos taken
  50. Spend the night in a hotel
Anything else you would add to the list? What are some cool date ideas you have done?


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