My Favorite Books

So, for a while I was really into reading because I had nothing else to do at work. When I ran out of books to read, I just kind of gave up on it instead of trying to find something else. I really need to get back into it though, I love reading. So, here's a list of my top 3 favorite books.

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My first favorite would have to be Summer's Child by Diane Chamberlain. For some reason, I love books like this, with a little mystery. Daria Cato woke up on the morning of her 11th birthday & walked down to the beach before anyone in her house woke up. When she was there, she discovered a gift from the sea: a newborn baby! The baby was still alive & she carried the baby back to her house & woke up her parents. Her parents called the police, the baby was taken to the hospital, & investigations were underway. Daria's mom figured it would be a good idea for them to adopt the baby since Daria was the one who found her. They named her Shelly. About 20 years later, Shelly is not fully able to take care of herself due to minor head trauma from being left on the beach, & she is left in the care of Daria since Daria's parents passed away. Shelly reached out to Rory Taylor, their former neighbor & now host of the popular TV show, "True Life Stories". Shelly wants to find out who left her on the beach years ago. Rory takes up Shelly's challenge & travels back to Kill Devil Hills to help Shelly figure out who her mother is.
Image result for one summer david baldacci
My second favorite would have to be One Summer by David Baldacci. This book focuses on miracles rather than mystery. Jack Armstrong was terminally ill. In just a matter of weeks, he will be leaving behind his wife, Lizzie, & their three kids. After Christmas, he will make the decision to stop his suffering. One night, Lizzie went to the pharmacy to pick up his medication, when tragedy strikes. Lizzie was killed in a car wreck. Jack, who is hanging on by a thread, sends his kids with relatives & goes into hospice. After being in hospice for a little bit, Jack decides to turn off his machines so that he can go join his wife in Heaven. However, he miraculously starts breathing on his own. Eventually, he starts eating more and getting stronger. Soon, he is able to walk on his own, eat solid foods, & he begins working out. He ends up being released from hospice, & now his goal is to get his kids back. I have heard that this is probably his best book. He doesn't usually write books like this. My mom loves to read, so I lent her this one & she liked it too. She tried reading some other books by him, but they did not keep her attention like this one did.
Image result for after amy efaw
My last favorite, would be After by Amy Efaw. A teenage girl, named Devon, has a good head on her shoulders. She stays home from school one day when police go around knocking on doors saying they found a baby in a nearby trash can. Devon's mother says she has no idea about it, but that Devon had stayed home from school & she might know something. Police go in the house to question Devon as she is laying on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Refusing to speak to the officers, Devon's mother angrily rips the blankets away from her, revealing the mess that gives away who gave birth to the baby & put it in the trash: Devon. She is taken to the hospital to be examined, & after, she is booked in jail. This book just basically goes through the denial that Devon is going through, & all of the legal matters that are taken place to get Devon out of this. Or will she get out of it? This book had me angry the entire time because Devon didn't think she did anything wrong. & being a mother, I don't see how anyone could do that to a child & think that it's okay or that they should not get punished. But she was in denial. I did not like the ending though. But you will just have to read it for yourself.

Somebody, please, I beg of you. Give me books to read! Books similar to these, books that you have loved, booked that are worth reading. Help me keep my sanity at work before I die of boredom!


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