38 Facts About Me

For most people that don't know me, I figured I might as well share some interesting facts about me :)

1. I love makeup. I love experimenting with it. It's an art!
2. I can say my alphabet backwards perfectly in 3 seconds.
3. My favorite animal is an elephant. It represents good luck.
4. My pet peeve is when people say they are going to do something & then don't do it.
5. I hate when people get in my way. I have road rage everywhere I go lol.
6. My favorite color is gold. But not like yellow-gold.
7. I love native/indian/bohemian culture. I used to attend Pow-Wow's when I was little.
8. Relates to #7... I'm 1/16th Cherokee Indian.
9. I saved my brother's life one time (whole other story to share).
10. I believe in God & the after-life but I also somewhat believe that we are reborn.
11. My favorite dog I ever owned was a Blue Merle Australian Shepherd named Molly.
12. I hate spiders. Actually, I hate anything with more than 4 legs & 2 eyes.
13. Favorite genre of movies is comedy.
14. Least-favorite is horror.
15. I am a Dallas Cowboy's fan (sorry Juan).
16. I love to play softball & tennis.
17. I was a cheerleader in high school.
18. I was also a gymnast.
19. I love peaches & peach flavored anything. & I used to hate peach flavored anything.
20. I have never broken a bone or gotten stitches (although I came close to stitches when I busted my head open when I was 11). *knocks on wood*
21. My favorite subject is psychology.
22. I LOVE Disney.
23. I pass out or get light headed any time a needle is pierced into me. & I have 2 piercings & 3 tattoos.
24. I love roller coasters but I once did a super swing & will never do that again.
25. My favorite/lucky number is oddly 13.
26. I was born on Labor Day (ironic).
27. My favorite ice cream is Birthday Cake, but it's always so hard to find, so I settle for Rocky Road.
28. I am 5'1.
29. I feel like the world is ending if I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep.
30. I have been to Disney World where my high school took the senior band kids (Yes, I was a band nerd too. Played the Clarinet for 6 years).
31. I played the piano when I was 7. I can probably still play simple things if I tried.
32. I love Dr. Pepper, but I am trying to cut down on it! (Super hard.)
33. I love cream cheese.
34. I was/still am the good child ;) (out of 4).
35. My elementary school English teacher always said I would become a famous author.
36. I am allergic to cheap metals, so if they are on my skin for a long time, I break out.
37. I love singing along to songs even though I suck at singing (my voice isn't great lol).
38. I have been to two raves. I have seen deadmau5, R.L. Grime, & Rezz.

That's it for me. Tell me some facts about you!


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