General Life Hacks/Tricks

Okay, so this is a list I made awhile back when I was working on my Pinterest Binder. Basically, Anything I pinned on Pinterest that I wanted to keep, I would type, print, & put in my binder. It gave me something to do while I was at work. It's a HUGE list of 13 pages, divided into subcategories: General, Health, Cleanliness, Beauty, Food, Common Household Items with Hidden Uses, How to Remove Stains, Baking Made Easy, What & What Not to Refrigerate, List of Useful Websites, & Money Management. There is a lot more on that list, but some of the categories don't really fall into "Hacks" & "Tricks," but I will eventually share them with you! Anyway, here is a list of general life hacks!

Use a wet cotton ball or Q-Tip to pick up small shards of glass you can’t see.
Place a dryer sheet in your pocket to keep mosquitoes away.
To keep squirrels from eating your plants, sprinkle with cayenne pepper. It doesn’t hurt the plant & squirrels won’t come near it.
To get something out of a small space add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum.
Buy a chalkboard eraser & keep it in your glovebox for when your windshield fogs up.
If you seal an envelope & realize you forgot to include something, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two.
Kool aid in Dannon plain yogurt as a finger paint for kids.
Peanut butter will get scratches out of CD’s.
Pam will also remove paint & grease from your hands.
Preserve a newspaper clipping – large bottle of club soda & a cup of milk of magnesia, soak for 20 minutes, let air dry.
Look at someone’s elbows when you high-five. You will never miss.
You can press 1, 2, 3, etc. to jump to 10%, 20%, 30% into the clip you are watching on YouTube.
If your phone freezes, plug it into a charger.
If you have a .edu email address, you can get an Amazon Prime account.
After a job interview, if asked, “Do you have any questions?” always ask, “Yes, is there anything about my application that concerns you?”
Recipe for relaxation: Exhale completely. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds.
Drop a battery from 6 inches off the ground. If they give one small bounce & fall over, they’re good. If they bounce around anymore, they’re dead or on their way out.
Can’t afford Microsoft Word? Get “open office”, it’s the same thing except it’s free & has more features.
Too broke to travel? WWOOF is an organization that allows you to travel the world, with food/accommodations covered, in exchange for volunteer work.
If you download a PDF file & see that it ends in “.exe” delete it, it’s a virus.
If the wifi at an airport or hotel costs money, add “?.jpg” at the end of any URL.
If you want to download a YouTube video, just type “ss” between www. & “youtube”.
If you accidentally close a Word file without saving, go to your file explorer & search “.asd” under this/my pc & the document will be back there.
To make your essays longer, hit “CTRL + F” & search “.” Change all of the periods from 12 pt to 14 pt. They will still look the same size but your essay will appear longer!
Hit alt & any Google image to have it saved to your computer.
Having trouble falling asleep? Blink really fast. Tired eyes fall asleep easily.
If you suspect someone is checking you out, yawn. If they yawn back, they were, because yawning is visually contagious.
Mess with telemarketers! Some aren’t allowed to hang up, so answer the call, take a shower, have a snack, then say “no thanks.”
Storing batteries in the freezer can up to double their lifespan.
Exhale as much air as possible & hold it to suppress laughing at inappropriate moments.
Target will always match Amazon’s price. If you find something cheap on Amazon, just go buy it at Target.
If you need to remember something in the morning, send yourself a text the night before, but don’t open it until the next morning.
Shoes too small? Put on 3 pairs of sock, wear the shoes, & blow dry for 10 minutes.
Write emails to big companies saying that you usually buy their products but recently it was unsatisfactory. Free stuff will roll in!
Put toilet paper in the toilet before using to prevent loud splashing & backsplash.
When playing rock paper scissors, men are more likely to play rock & women are more likely to play scissors.
If you mess up a voicemail to someone, press “#” to erase & re-record.
In areas with lots of stop lights, going exactly the same speed will help you to hit a lot of green lights.
Need to tell a believable lie? Include something embarrassing. Nobody will doubt a story that makes you look dumb.
Don’t want to be embarrassed when buying something? Buy a birthday card with it!
If you ever want to go to the zoo, wear the same colors that the employees do! The animals will come right up to you.
If you bought something on Amazon & the price goes down within 30 days, you can email them & they will send you the difference!
If a taxi driver asks if you’re “from around here,” lie & say yes. Taxi drivers will usually take a longer route (jacking up the price) for tourists.
If you’re a few words short on your essay, just type in extra words on the end of your paragraph & change the font color to white. Your professor won’t be able to see them & it will increase your word count.
When filling your car with gas, hold the trigger halfway. You’ll get less air.
You can check how much you like someone by how strong the urge is to check your phone when you’re with them.
People are more likely to return a lost wallet if they find a baby picture inside of it.
Take a photo of your luggage when you travel. This will speed up the paperwork process if your luggage gets stolen.
If you need a question answered, call 1 (344) 844 4244. This is a special line that calls Auburn University & they will answer just about any question you could ask!
Peppermint stimulates brain activity & helps you concentrate.
Sleeping on your right side helps you fall asleep faster than sleeping on your left side.
You can get most answers to math problems online by typing in the name of the textbook on google & then “answers”.
If you open Siri during a Pandora advertisement, it will skip the advertisement.
When studying, pretend that you are teaching the material. It helps you concentrate more.
When calling customer support & you keep getting an automated system, pressing “#” over & over again will force the system to connect you to a human.
If you get something in your eye, look down & blink rapidly.
If you do some small tasks with the opposite hand, you force the brain to work differently & your self-control will improve.
Use a dust pan to fill a container that doesn’t fit into the sink.
Cut open a toilet paper roll & use it as a cuff for your wrapping paper.
Use soda pop tabs to offset your hangers & save closet space!
Clean out an old lotion bottle for storing your keys, phone, & money at the beach.
If you’re studying for an important test, just google site:edu [subject] exam. You’ll get a bunch of different college exams with similar problems that might be on your test.
Use a can opener to open those tough plastic packages.
Get something new often when you go out to eat.
If you ever find a driver’s license, put it in a mailbox. The postmaster will deliver it back to its owner.
You are allowed to call the police if you see a pet in a hot car.

Feel free to print this out & keep it for yourself. I love little life hacks! I will post more throughout the week! To get email notifications about new posts, don't forget to subscribe to my blog! It's FREE!


  1. All very useful! Thanks!


    1. Thanks for reading! I love your blog as well!


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