Cleaning Life Hacks/Tricks

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I know we all hate cleaning (or am I the only one?). BUT, here are some hacks to make it a little easier :)

·         To get rid of fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it ½ with apple cider vinegar & 2 drops of dish washing liquid.
·         To get rid of ants, put small piles of cornmeal where you see them. They can’t digest it & it kills them.
·         Kool aid to clean dishwasher pipes & toilets.
·         For wine stains, pour on Morton salt.
·         To remove labels from glassware, rub with peanut butter.
·         Gum stuck to clothes? Boil vinegar, pour on gum, use brush to wipe off.
·         If you ever have to clean up vomit, pour coffee grounds on it first. It will cover the smell & dehydrate it, making it easy to sweep up.
·         Rubbing alcohol will remove pen marks & stains from pretty much anything.
·         Want to whiten your clothes? Soak them in hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes.
·         If you get deodorant on your shirt, rub a dryer sheet over it to take it off.
·         Use nail polish remover to clean stains off of shoes.
·         To make your kitchen appliances look brand new, mix ¼ cup of baking soda in a bowl with enough peroxide to turn it into a paste. Rub this on any kitchen appliance to make it spotless!
·         Make your bed in the morning.
·         Automate your chores. Have a cleaning schedule & set 15 minutes to an hour daily to do that task. Once the timer is up, finish it up & leave it for the day.
·         Have a physical inbox. Put any papers that you get in it & sort through it at the end of the week.
·         Keep two separate laundry baskets: one for clothes & one for towels.
·         Anything with “pet deodorizer” can be used to pour down the sink to kill gnats & odors.
·         To get residue off of your showerhead, tie a baggie of vinegar over the showerhead & let it sit overnight.
·         Use a hanging shoe rack to organize cleaning supplies.
·         When cleaning your room, make your bed first. It will make everything look out of place.
·         Make your paint brushes as good as new by tossing them in a bowl of vinegar.
·         How to remove permanent marker from everything:

o    Clothes – hand sanitizer
o    Walls – toothpaste or hairspray
o    Wood – rubbing alcohol
o    Carpet – white vinegar
o    Furniture – milk
o    White board – dry erase marker or a rubber eraser
o    Ceramic or glass – 1 part toothpaste & 1 part baking soda


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