19 Common Household Items With Hidden Uses

·         Toothpaste
o    Remove crayon marks.
o    Deodorize hands.
o    Whiten sneakers.
o    Buff a DVD.
o    Defog goggles.
·         Rubber Bands
o    Hold a lid on top of a dish.
o    Extend your pants.
·         Nail Polish
o    Secure a screw.
o    Stop costume jewelry from tarnishing.
o    Seal an envelope.
·         Tape
o    Put a small piece where you’re going to hammer in a nail. This keeps paint from chipping.
o    Tape down itchy clothing labels.
o    Unstick plastic wrap.
·         Dryer Sheets
o    Deodorize shoes
o    Clean stuck-on gunk.
§  Put a fresh sheet in a pan with baked-on food & fill with water. Let sit for a few hours & the food will easily wipe away.
o    Freshen up the shower by rubbings the walls with a wet sheet.
o    Tame hair.
·         Hair Dryer
o    Remove crayon marks or wax spills.
o    Set frosting or icing.
o    Unstick a photo
o    Dust hard-to-reach places.
·         Hand Lotion
o    Get rid of winter clothing static.
o    Polish shoes.
o    Get rid of frizz.
o    Shave.
·         Cornstarch
o    Get grease off a wall.
o    Detangle a knot.
·         Petroleum Jelly
o    Wipe away water marks
o    Sideline a squirrel by coating the pole of a bird feeder.
o    Neaten your nail job by dabbing it on the skin around the nails before polishing.
·         Coffee Filters
o    Clean mirrors, windows, & wine glasses.
o    Catch drips & crumbs. Use for a snack holder.
·         Salt
o    Use salt water to clean veggies
o    Keep windows frost free with salt-water.
o    Clean a greasy pan.
o    Remove water marks from wood surfaces by making a paste of salt & cooking oil.
o    Pick up a dropped egg.
o    Soothe a bee sting.
o    Eliminate a grease fire.
o    Clean up oven spills.
o    Kill poison ivy.
o    Make cream whip more easily & egg whites whip faster & higher.
o    Test for rotten eggs.
o    Repel fleas.
o    Clean a glass coffee pot.
o    Kill grass growing in cracks between cement.
o    Keep apples & potatoes from turning brown once they are sliced.
·         Disposable Cups
o    Make a sifter.
·         Vinegar
o    Clean a coffee maker by brewing one part white vinegar & 2 parts water. Repeat every 3 weeks.
o    Kill grass & weeds.
o    Freshen wilted vegetables by soaking them in 2 cups cold water with 1 Tbsp vinegar for 10 minutes.
o    Avoid moldy cheese by soaking a cloth in vinegar, wrapping it around hard cheese & sealing it in a ziplock bag.
·         Wax Paper
o    Run a piece through the gears of a handheld can opener.
·         Ziplock Bags
o    Use as gloves when kneading dough so you won’t get your hands messy.
o    Create a temporary funnel.
o    For icing.
·         Hydrogen Peroxide
o    Eliminate viruses by putting 3 drops of it in your ears, let it sit for about 10 minutes before allowing it to drain.
o    Disinfect your toothbrush.
o    Stop toothache pain.
o    Make an antiseptic mouthwash.
o    Disinfect wounds.
o    Remove organic stains.
o    Spray mold, let it sit for 10 minutes, & scrub.
o    Disinfect your cutting boards.
o    Eliminate undesirable odors with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide & white vinegar.
o    Eliminate stuffy sinuses with 1 cut of water & 1 cap full of hydrogen peroxide.
o    Wash fruit.
·         Banana Peels
o    Rub on your teeth every day for a week for about a minute, which results in whiter teeth.
o    Massage on your face for 5 minutes every day to cure pimples.
o    Add an egg yolk to a mashed banana peel. Apply to your face & leave for 5 minutes. Helps keep your skin hydrated.
o    Heals psoriasis.
·         Apple Cider Vinegar
o    Drink it for weight loss, maintaining pH levels, detox your liver, reduce heartburn, & help your body combat candida.
o    1 part apple cider vinegar + 2 parts water for your face. Helps tighten skin, natural toner, & reduces acne breakouts.
o    Mix 1 part ACV with 1 part water & use after shampoo. Results in shiny, softer hair & removes buildup from products.
o    Mix 1 cup ACV in bathtub & soak for sunburn relief. Bonus: Use coconut oil post-bath for further relief.
o    Dilute ½ a cup of ACV with one cup water. Cleans surfaces & leaves a happy smell of apples.
o    Dilute a cup of ACV with one cup water for a natural deodorizer.
o    1 quarter ACV to 3 quarters water for a flea repellant & a shiny pet coat.
·         Coconut Oil
o    Moisturize skin
o    Add a spoonful to your bath for relaxation
o    As a sugar scrub
o    Moisturize your nailbeds.
o    Fight fly-aways & frizz by rubbing TINY amounts in your hands & use the leftovers on your ends.
o    Use as a hair mask: coconut oil & honey, let it sit for 30 minutes, wash as normal.
o    Makeup remover
o    Cleanse your face regularly with a very small amount & allow it to soak in to improve acne.
o    Reduce wrinkles by massaging a small amount on your skin or around your eyes before going to sleep each night.
o    Massage into your scalp to fight dandruff.
o    Relieve a sunburn.
o    Calm itchy & irritated skin.
o    Massage oil.
o    Condition & polish wooden utensils & furniture by massaging a generous amount into the wood & let it seep in.
o    Season your cookware with it to maintain the integrity of the pan & make cleanup a breeze.
o    Rub onto hinges to lubricate.
o    Spread over rusty areas & let sit for 2 hours. Wash it off & wipe clean with a soft cloth.
o    Prevent chaffing.
o    Diaper rashes.
o    Help a dry, scratchy throat.
o    Use it as Neosporin.
o    Relieve bug bites & stings.
o    Prevent nosebleeds by coating the inside of your nose to keep it moisturized.
o    Cracked & dry nipples from breastfeeding.

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